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Does your garden have a “shady” personality? This garden suggests alternatives to sun-loving plants so that even a shady garden can bask in color, texture and smell.

Shade Garden Plant List

#Botanical NameCultivarCommon NameTreeNative
1Acanthus mollisbear’s breeches, sea dock
2Adiantum aleuticumwestern maidenhair fernN
3Adiantum pedatumnorthern maidenhair fern
4Anemone hupehensisJapanese anemone
5Astilbefalse spirea, meadow sweet
6Astilbe 'Deutschland'false spirea, meadow sweet
7Bergenia cordifoliaheartleaf bergenia, pigsqueak
8Brunnera macrophyllaSiberian bugloss
9Clerodendrum trichotomumharlequin glorybowerT
10Convallaria majalislily of the valley
11Cyclamen hederifoliumivy leaf cyclamen
12Enkianthus campanulatus
13Epimedium grandiflorumbishop’s hat
14Epimedium x youngianum 'Roseum'N
15Geranium erianthumcranesbillN
16Helleborus 'Walhero'rosemary hellebore
17Helleborus nigerChristmas rose
18Hemerocallisbear's breeches
19Hosta plantagineafragrant plantain lily
20Hyacinthoides non-scriptawood hyacinth, blue bell
21Hydrangea arborescenssmooth hydrangea
22Hypericum perforatumSt. John’s wort
23Lysimachia punctatayellow loosestrife
24Micranthes ferruginearusty saxifrage
25Polemonium caeruleumJacob's ladder
26Polystichum munitumwestern swordfernN
27Primula spp.
28Pulmonaria angustifoliacowslip lungwort
29Pulmonaria officinaliscommom lungwort
30Rhododendron 'Unique'
31Rodgersia aesculifoliafingerleaf rodgersia
32Skimmia japonicaJapanese skimmia
33Symphoricarpos 'Proud Berry'
34Tellima grandiflorafringe-cup, big flower tellimaN