Pavilion Reservation

Request to reserve the Discovery Garden Pavilion for gardening-related groups or activities.

"*" indicates required fields

Skagit County WSU Extension Master Gardener Discovery Garden

The Discovery Garden is open to the public from dawn to dusk.
The Discovery Garden Pavilion may be reserved for gardening related groups or activities only.

All organized groups wishing to use the Discovery Garden Pavilion, regardless of size, need to fill out a Reservation Form. Please fill out the form completely as incomplete forms may be denied. Forms should be submitted at least 14 days in advance. Please remember that the Discovery Garden is a public space and though you have reserved the use of the Pavilion, visitors are free to visit the rest of the Garden.

Event Description

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Start Time*
Event End Time*

Event Contact Person

Contact Address*

Event Details

Will you need to use Pavilion electricity?*
Would you like to book a tour of the Garden?*

Note that the following event activities incur additional requirements:

  • If you plan to offer food served or sold to the public at your event, you will need to obtain a food handler’s permit from the Skagit County Health Department and have it posted at the event.
  • If you plan to charge admission or sell a product while using the Discovery Garden, you will be charged a $50 fee. The fee is payable to "SCMGF" upon the acceptance of this reservation by the Discovery Garden Manager and the Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation.
Will you need a food handler’s permit?*
Will you be charging admission?*
Will you be selling a product or service?*

Please be kind to the Discovery Garden

For picnicking, we ask that you use designated areas such as the tables around the Garden, the Pavilion, or a nice spot on our lawns.

Please clean up after yourselves. Leave the Garden as you found it and remove all your trash.

The SCMGF MISSION, in partnership with WSU Extension, is to support Skagit County home gardeners by promoting science-based gardening practices and education. Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation (SCMGF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.