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The small gardens inhabiting the parking lot, fronting the fountain, and lining the path to the pavilion greet visitors with plants having year-round interest. Easy-care, layered plantings are chosen for the Pacific Northwest climate.

The Dogwood sculpture with bumble bee in the parking lot was created at Skagit Valley College.

The entrance station has lots of information to share.  Please be sure to sign our guest book!

Entrance Garden Plant List

#Botanical NameCultivarCommon NameTreeNative
1Abelia x grandiflorakaleidoscope abelia
2Helleborushellebore (assorted)
3Pulmonaria officinalislungwort
4Oxalis oreganawood sorrel
5Paeoniapeony (assorted)
6Tsuga mertensianamountain hemlockTN
7Daphne x transatlantica 'Summer Ice'
8Cyclamen hederifoliumcyclamen
9Sisyrinchium bellumblue-eyed grass
10Papaverpoppy (assorted)
11Saxifraga x urbiumLondon pride
12Hyacinthus orientalishyacinth
13Primula vulgarisprimrose (assorted)
14Tellima grandiflorafringe cupsN
15Polystichum munitumswordfern
16Aquilegia vulgariscolumbine
17Euonymus japonicus 'El Dorado'golden euonymus
18Lobelia fulgens 'Queen Victoria'lobelia
19Lobelia fulgens 'Fan Burgandy'lobelia
20Lobelia fulgens 'Gerardii'purple lobelia
21Acer palmatum 'Crimson Queen'laceleaf mapleT
22Thuja arborvitaearborvitae
23Nigella damascenalove-in-a-mist
24Polygonatum multiflorumSolomon's seal
25Anemone blandaGrecian windflower
26Anemone nemorosawood anemone
27Colchicum autumnalecrocus
28Hesperocyparis macrocarpa 'Wilma Goldcrest'cypress
29Cyclamen hederifoliumcyclamen
30Halimiocistus wintonensis 'Merrist Wood Cream'cistus
31Alchemilla mollislady's mantle
32Acer pensylvanicumsnake maple, striped bark maple
34Parrotia persicaPersian ironwood
35Berberis thunbergiiredleaf Japanese barberry
36Heuchera americanacoral bells
37Davidia involucratadove treeT
39Hamamelis x Intermedia 'Arnold Promise'witch hazel
40Clematis floridaAsian virgin's-bower
41Phlox paniculatagarden phlox
42Skimmia japonicaJapanese skimmia
43Fragariawild strawberry
44Astilbe japonicaastilbe, false spirea
46Sarcococca ruscifoliafragrant sweetbox
47Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpureaJapanese barberry
48Thuja plicata 'Zobra'variegated western red cedarT
49Gaultheria shallonsalal
50Soleirolia soleiroliibabies tears
51Woodwardia fimbriatagiant chain fernT
52Polystichum aculeatumhard shield-fern
53Adiantum venustumHimalayan maidenhair fern
54Epimedium x Perralchicum 'Wisley'bishop's mitre
55Dryopteris wallichiana 'Jurassic Gold'fern
56Dicentra spectabilisbleeding heart
57Styrax japonicusJapanese snowbellT
58Hostaplantain lily
59Rhododendron 'Ramapo'rhododendron, dwarf rhododendron
60Camelliaself-pruning camellia
61Berberis thunbergiigolden barberry
62Pieris japonica
63Lithodora diffusalithodora
64Bergenia crassifoliabergenia
65Buxus sempervirenscolumnar boxwood
66Polystichum polyblepharumtassel fern
67Astrantia major 'Alba'masterwort
68Viola glabellayellow wood violet, Johnny jump-upN
69Heuchera 'Obsidian'coral bells
70Polemonium caeruleumJacob's ladder